Note: This event has past, but we encourage you to view the recorded event embedded below.
Assessing learning in online courses can be challenging and time-consuming. In this webinar, participants will be provided with insights and practical strategies for equitably evaluating online students in the age of AI. In addition to discussing key components of effective online assessments, methods to support students in completing assessments successfully will be shared. We will also discuss key components of effective online assessment, with examples shared from multiple disciplines.
Presenter Bio
Kelly Spoon is a Professor of Mathematics at San Diego Mesa College where she’s always willing to try something new – from teaching Mesa’s first supported statistics and calculus courses, to playing with different modalities, tools, and resources. Her most recent adventure has been diving headfirst into standards-based grading and the Building Thinking Classroom approach in a supported calculus class. Beyond the classroom, Kelly is on Mesa’s Ongoing Support for Teaching (MOST) team, working with faculty across disciplines to create professional learning workshops, cohorts, and resources related to course design. She also serves as her campus’ online faculty mentor and works with zero textbook cost (ZTC) and open educational resources (OER) projects across the San Diego Community College District. Her favorite PL topics are assessment and culturally responsive teaching.