Welcome to the Classified Leadership Institute 2021 – The Re-Do Project!
June 9th – 11th, 2021
Who wouldn’t want to re-do 2020, but without COVID-19, without having to transition to remote operations, without the losses so many of us experienced, without the stress?
How do we move forward and continue to grow as professionals? How do we keep loving on our students, on our colleagues? How can we spread positivity?
The Classified Leadership Institute (CLI) 2021 is a fully virtual event put on by the California Community Colleges Classified Senate. Our goal is to continue building our classified professionals community and help each other grow. CLI is known as a Conference for classified professionals by classified professionals. CLI helps us:
Just as our CLI motto says, “Be like Interstate 5 – never stop working on yourself, no matter how inconvenient it is for everyone.” Nothing and no one should stop you from becoming a better person, a better professional, a better classified senate. And we are here to help you do just that.
Registration Link: https://sites.google.com/apps.losrios.edu/4cscli/registration?authuser=0
Note: Users cannot register for this webinar through the Vision Resource Center. This webinar requires access/registration outside of the Vision Resource Center. If you would like to track the time you spent attending any trainings from external providers please record your time using External Training and the time will be reflected on your Learning Transcript.